Full set of the 100 postcards from 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland.Available individually here. Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The...
HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY Pigeon House, Baile Átha Cliath. Ar cheann de na struchtúir is airde in Éirinn atá Simléir an Phoill Bhig, le feiceáil ón gcuid is mó de...
Brent Goose (Cadhan), Dublin Bay. The Brent Goose flies in family groups 5,000 kilometers from the Canadian Arctic, stopping for a while in Iceland, to spend the Winter in Ireland....
Partridge (Patraisc), County Offaly. The partridge is a compact bird with rounded body and wings, small bill, short tail, small rounded head and sturdy legs. It is very sedentary, and...
Pheasant (Piasún), County Cork. The pheasant was introduced to Ireland for hunting by the Normans. Many pheasants escaped and they are now widespread, living at the woodland edge and in...
Robin (Spideog), Redcross, Co. Wicklow. The robin fluffs out its feathers in cold weather, making it appear very plump. Despite its melancholy-sounding Winter song, it can is very friendly and...
Wren, (Dreolín) Sandymount, Dublin. On the 26th of December, Wren Boys sing “The wren, the wren, the king of all birds”. But the wren, with its tiny cocked tail, is...
Oystercatcher, Williamstown, Dublin. The oystercatcher – in Irish Roilleach – has a loud piping call “kip kip kip-kip-kip” and feeds, not on oysters, but cockles and mussels. Joe Hollingsworth is...
East Pier Lighthouse, Dún Laoghaire. With the construction of the East Pier lighthouse in 1842, the largest man-made harbour in Western Europe had been completed. The piers are of different...
East Pier Lighthouse, Dún Laoghaire. With the construction of the East Pier lighthouse in 1842, the largest man-made harbour in Western Europe had been completed. The piers are of different...
Killiney Obelisk, Co. Dublin. The obelisk, 156m above sea level, was constructed at the summit of Killiney Hill in 1741-2 as a famine relief project to provide employment for destitute...
Rothe House, Kilkenny City. Rothe House is a late 16th-century merchant’s townhouse complex in Kilkenny City. The complex was built between 1594–1610 and comprises three houses, three enclosed courtyards, and a large...
Pigeon House, Dublin. The Poolbeg Chimneys are among the tallest structures in Ireland and are visible from most of Dublin city. The name “Pigeon House” comes from the inn established...
Killamery High Cross, Co. Kilkenny.The High Cross dating from the 9th century is used as a model for many of the small high crosses sold across the world as an...
Last postcard set only contains 3 postcards: Dolly Card, Cher Card and Tina Card.Dolly! Cher! Tina! and Lady Gaga! Get the first of this great Icon Series Postcard set and...
A booklet consisting of tear-out postcards (10 postcards in total), showing portraits set within nature (photographed during 2020's pandemic).
Published by Unpatient BooksSoftcover10 pages105 x 150 mm
For several days in early July 2017, the sky over Hamburg swarmed with dozens of helicopters. They ferried guests of state to the G20 summit and kept an eye on...
Printed by The Library Project150 × 105 mm
Shipping world-wide.Please note: Local pick-up of orders is available fromThe Library Project at 4 Temple Bar Street, Dublin 2.
Printed by The Library Project150 × 105 mm
Shipping world-wide.Please note: Local pick-up of orders is available fromThe Library Project at 4 Temple Bar Street, Dublin 2.
Bronwyn AndrewsHome for ChristmasPostcard@bronwyn_andrews Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Paula AlvarezDublin Bay, 2017Postcard paulasees.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Adrian WojtasDublin Bus, 2018Postcardadrianwojtas.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Aidan KellySpire, Dublin, 2018Postcardaidanwilliamkelly.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Aisling McCoyGiant's Causeway, Bushmills, 2019PostcardAislingmccoy.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Alan Phelan When the Idea is extinguished the word sparklesPostcardalanphelan.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together...
Alisha DoodyPostcardalishadoody.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland, a collection...
Andrew HetheringtonBeach Kiosk, Bray, 2019Postcard ahetherington.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Angel Luis GonzalezEarly Train, 2016Postcardbohoe.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Anthony HaugheyFermanagh, Cavan, 2006Postcardanthonyhaughey.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Aoife GilesO'Connell Bridge, Strike, 2017Postcard@aoifejohanna Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Aoife HerrityTrolley Bay, Crumlin, 2020Postcardaoifeherrity.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Aoife ShanahanUntitled, Dublin, 2019Postcardaoifeshanahan.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Becks ButlerLoopies Field, Mullingar, 2019Postcardbecksbutler.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Billy KenrickDocklands, Dublin, 2013Postcardbillykenrick.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Brian CooneyDownpatrick Head, Co. Mayo, 2012Postcardbriancooneyphotography.net Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Brian TeelingSherkin Island, Co. Cork, 2019Postcardbrianteeling.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Bryan HoganCollege Green, Dublin, 2019Postcardbryanhoganphoto.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Bryony DunneSoon to be demolishedPostcardbryonymay.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Caitriona DunnettSt. Finian's Bay, Co. Kerry, 2019Postcardcaitrionadunnett.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Ciarán Óg ArnoldUntitled, Rosse's Point, Sligo, 2019Postcardciaranogarnold.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Clare GallagherUntitled, Co. DownPostcardclaregallagher.co.uk Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Clare LyonsReturning to Dublin, Mercer Street, 2019Postcardclarelyons.net Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Conor HorganMary, Inis Meain, 2014Postcardconorhorgan.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Dara McGrathBarrack Street, Co. Cork, 2018Postcarddaramcgrathphotography.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Daragh SodenForty Foot, Dublin, 2020Postcardsdaraghsoden.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
David FarrellAttempts at a Successful Day, Bray, 2012Postcarddavidfarrell.org Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100...
David Thomas SmithThe Dead, Dublin, 2013Postcard Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Declan Kelly,The Curragh, Co. Kildare, 2019Postcarddeclankelly.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Dejan KarinDublin, 2019Postcarddejankarin.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland, a...
Dianne WhyteSmock Alley, Dublin, 2015Postcarddiannewhyte.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Dominic TurnerIncheydonney Beach, Co. Cork, 2010Postcarddominicturner.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Dorje de BurghArk, Dublin (Elegy), 2019Postcardforget.rip Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Dragana JurisicBull Island Picnic, Dublin, 2017Postcarddraganajurisic.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Eamonn DoyleConnemara, 2017Postcardeamonndoyle.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland, a...
Ellie BerryCourse, Donegal, 2018Postcardellieberry.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Ellius GraceOne Side of the Bay, Howth, 2018Postcardelliusgrace.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100...
Enda BowePurple Stole, Tubbercurry, Sligo, 2019Postcardendabowe.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Ethna O'Regan Diamond Hill, Connemara, 2018Postcardethnaoregan.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Frank AbruzzeseControled Burn, From Live Load, 2012Postcardfrankabruzzese.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Garry LoughlinBlack Pits, Dublin, 2017Postcardgarryloughlin.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Gary CoyleForty Foot, Dun Laoghaire, 2018PostcardGaryCoyle.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
George Voronov Corner Shop, Dun Laoghaire, 2015Postcardgeorgevoronov.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Gerry BlakeCalary, Great Sugarloaf, Co. Wicklow, 2018Postcardgerryblake.net Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Gregory DunnToddle Off, O'Devaney Gardens, Dublin 2016Postcardstoneybutter.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Hugh O'ConorThe Lighthouse, Dun Laoghaire, 2008Postcardhughoconor.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Hugh QuigleyFour Courts, Dublin, 2020Postcard@hughjquigley Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Ieva BaltaduonytėNational Gallery of Ireland, 2020Postcardievabal.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Iryna BaklanGaggle, Dun Laoghaire, 2016Postcardirynabaklan.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Jamin KeoghTree, Glasthule, 2019Postcardjaminkeogh.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Jane CumminsUntitled, Sally Gap, WicklowPostcardjanecummins.net Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Jeanette LoweJesus in Galway, 2019Postcardjeanettelowe.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Jill QuigleyDaogh Famine Village, Donegal, 2013Postcardjillquigley.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Joby HickeyPowerscourt, Dublin, 2012Postcardjobyhickey.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Johnny SavageBray Head, 2016Postcardjohnnysavage.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Julia GelezovaThe Great Western, Mayo, 2018Postcard Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Kate NolanCarman's Hall, Dublin, 2020Postcard katenolan.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Kenneth O'Halloran170th Ballinasloe Horse Fair, 2009Postcard kennethohalloran.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Kevin GriffinSchoolhouse, Connemara, 2019Postcard kevingriffinphoto.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Leanne SullivanLough Tay, Co. Wicklow, 2020Postcard leannesullivan.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Linda BrownleeSea Green, Dollymount Strand, 2019Postcard lindabrownlee.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Louise WallaceRainer Krause, Kinvara, Galway, 2019Postcard louisewallacevisualart.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Luca TruffarelliJohn don't be shy, Wexford, 2018Postcard lucatruffarelli.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100...
Malcolm McGettiganUntitled, Dublin 2, 2019Postcard malcolmmcgettigan.format.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Mandy O'NeillUntitled, Dublin 8, 2018Postcard mandyoneill.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Mark DuffyDonegal, 2017Postcard markduffyphotographer.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Mark McGuinnessSummer Rain, Donegal, 2019Postcard markmcguinness.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Martin CreggMidlands, 2009Postcard martincreggphotography.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Martina ClearyGalway, 2015Postcard martinacleary.info Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Matthew ThompsonCliffs of Moher, Galway, 2018Postcard matthewthompsonphotography.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Megan DohertyZoe & Sophia on the tracks, Derry, 2016Postcard megandoherty.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings...
Mella TraversSitting in the front garden, Smithfield, Dublin, 2017Postcard mellatravers.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings...
Miriam O'ConnorUntitled, from Tomorrow is Sunday, 2018Postcard Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Moira SweeneyWashing the Hold I, Dublin Port, 2012Postcard moirasweeney.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together...
Noel BowlerMountjoy, Dublin, 2003Postcard noelbowler.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Patrick HoganTipperary, 2015Postcard patrickhogan.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland,...
Paul CarrollShadow play, The Glen, Cork, 2019Postcard gaelicfields.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100...
Paul GaffneyUntitled, Killarney, 2020Postcard paulgaffneyphotography.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Peter O'DohertyLahinch, Co. Clare, 2019Postcard instagram.com/irishphotographer1 Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Rich GilliganBruce Kelliher, Lucan, 2001Postcard richgilligan.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Róisín WhiteThe Fairy Fort is Burning, Wicklow, 2018Postcard roisinwhite.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together...
Rose ComiskeyMarch for Choice, Dublin, 2016Postcard rosecomiskeyphoto.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Ruby WallisHomage 2, 2017Postcard rubywallis.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Ruth ConnollyIrish Town, 2018Postcard ruthconnolly.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Ruth MedjberLove Sensation, Dublin, 2019Postcard ruthlessimagery.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Shia ConlonGirl King, Roscrea, Tipperary Postcardsamanthaconlon.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of Contemporary...
Sarah FlynnThe Coombe, Dublin, 2019Postcard sarahflynn.ie Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views of...
Sean BreithauptForests for Profit, Cavan, 2017Postcard seanbreithaupt.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100 Views...
Sean HillenEverything is Normal, Parnell Square, Dublin, 2020Postcard seanhillen.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100...
Shane LynamWaiting for S, Dun Laoghaire, 2018Postcard shanelynamphoto.com Presented as part of St. Patrick's Festival cultural city trail in 2020, and to mark the first decade of PhotoIreland, The Library Project brings together 100...