Art Bookshop Ireland

Critical Theory

Ireland's Art Bookshop

Critical Theory (73)

Housing Unlocked: Ideas from a Living Room


Tender and Toxic Tales, Juri Velt


Curating Ecologies on Architecture, Patrícia Coelho


Artist Run Europe: Practice/Projects/Spaces


On Slaughter, Klara Hobza


The Book of Record of the Palm Capsule, Christian Kosmos Mayer


How to Play Tripple Dribble, Julia Borderie


Baroness Elsa's em-dashes, Astrid Seme


Dynamics of the Photobooks Market, Tiffany Jones


The Book of Invasions, Nathan O'Donnell


Radacach! Mná agus Réabhlóid na hÉireann, Julie Morrissy and Aedín Ní Bhróithe Clements (Ed.)


Shaved Rapunzel, Scheherazade & the Shearling Ram from Arcady, Orla Barry


'Worst Trip Ever: My First Summer In The Sierra' By John Muir, Alan Butler


A not so final resting pose, Ann Maria Healy


Observation Alters Observed, Hannah McKenna


Health and Safety for Women, Enya Duffy


Bookshop Guide: Independent Publishing Culture Spots, Volume 2


Numbered Editions 1: figure | ground


Falscher Hase/Mock Rabbit, Jana Müller


Gather, Niamh O'Malley


Objects in Time, Lighting the Archive with Mike Sperlinger


The Printed Performance: Brian Lane Works 1966 – 99


The Importance of an Afternoon Nap at the Paperwork Hotel, E.S. Kibele Yarman


Venus in Two Acts, Saidiya Hartman


Zombie Reader, Manuel Arturo Abreu


Paradise Holds Itself Shut, Charlotte Zhang


(n)Obsequies for Orchestra, Manuel Arturo Abreu


An Ossuary for the Hunted, Boz Garden


Christine Tien Wang


A Chair: Notes toward a Design


Sanford Biggers Reader


Notes: Darkness: Night: Blackness Racial Colonial Implications of the Children of Nyx and Erebus


Culture of the Fuccboi: A Reader


Climatic Species, Christiane Geoffroy and Valerie Cudel


Digressions # 11, Baptiste Brévart, Guillaume Ettlinger, Julie Sicault Maillé and Valérie Cudel


Digressions # 10, Mathieu Copeland and Valérie Cudel


Digressions # 08, Marie Preston, Julie Pellegrin and Valérie Cudel


Digressions # 07, Myriam Lefkowitz, Julie Pellegrin and Valérie Cudel


Digressions # 06, Béatrice Balcou, Julie Pellegrin and Valérie Cudel


Digressions # 05, Céline Ahond, Julie Pellegrin and Valérie Cudel


Digressions # 03, Alex Cecchetti, Julie Pellegrin and Valérie Cudel


Digressions # 02, Benjamin Seror, Julie Pellegrin and Valérie Cudel


Digressions # 01, Kapwani Kiwanga, Julie Pellegrin and Valérie Cudel


Come per magia, Nan Tarpey Heyneman


Reader on the Question of the Animal, Nikita Gale


Brasil, país do futuro, Carla Zaccagnini


Quema los diarios, Moyra Davey


Tactical Magic, Kerry Guinan


Direct Into Chaos, Aleen Solari


Calypso Cave, Stefan Karrer


The Emblematic Cabinet, Hanakam and Schuller


Heating up the seat, Susanne Miggitsch


Hellfeld, Doris Lasch


Twist: An American Girl, Adele Bertei (Signed)


Numbered Editions 2: Exit. Music. Lights.


The World Was All Before Them


What They Saw: Historical Photobooks by Women, 1843–1999


Bite the Hand that Feeds You


Cheat Sheet, Júlía Hermannsdóttir


A History of Head Trauma, Laura Fitzgerald


Malaysia ah? Yes! We speak Manglish lah! Ying Qi Tang


The Architecture of Chance, Christodoulos Makris


Running Feet, Sharp Noses: Essays on the Animal World


Rich Views, Issue 1


Sight Unseen: Visualising the Unseeable through Art and Science


The Sky is Falling, Lorenza Mazzetti


Being a Border, Nuit Banai


Ah, look, you can still just about see his little legs sticking out from it all!, Adam Chodzko


Mythologies, Petra Palkovacsova (Signed)


100 Women of Limerick, Sharon Slater


How Much is Enough?, Kate O'Shea and The Just City Residency


The Lives of Images, Vol. 1: Repetition, Reproduction, and Circulation


The Lives of Images, Vol. 2: Analogy, Attunement, and Attention
